HomeHealth articlesheart healthWhat Are the Benefits of Yoga for a Healthy Heart?

The Benefits of Yoga for a Healthy Heart

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There is no age for a heart ailment in today's world. However, yoga plays a significant role in enhancing heart conditions. To know more, read the article below.

Written by

Dr. Dheeksha. R

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At May 2, 2023
Reviewed AtOctober 12, 2023


In today’s world, heart attacks are extremely common and indeed individuals in their twenties fall a prey to it. Heart ailments can affect any individual irrespective of their age as it occurs due to idiopathic causes and unhealthy lifestyle. A healthy diet plays a pivotal role in the long-term life of an individual. In addition, yoga also contributes to the heart’s health and acts as a curative.

What Are the Main Risk Factors for Suffering From Heart Conditions?

In the case of heart conditions, they are of two forms; modifiable and non-modifiable; non-modifiable heart ailment is caused by various factors such as aging and hereditary. In these cases, the risk factors can be controlled, reduced, and managed to a certain extent. Modifiable risk factors, eating habits, stress, anxiety, and a few changes to improve the lifestyle can do much better to prevent any heart conditions.

What Are the Benefits of Yoga for a Healthy Heart?

Regular yoga practice helps to increase blood circulation, and each yoga activity affects the respiratory system, which improves the heart's condition. The benefits include:

  • Reduced blood pressure.

  • Improved lung capacity.

  • Less harmful cholesterol level.

  • Increase heart rate.

  • Enhance blood circulation.

Which Yoga Postures Should Be Practiced?

Some simple and effective yoga postures help to improve heart conditions; these are-

  • The Mountain Posture: It is a simple and very effective posture to start. It helps to strengthen the lower back and enhances heart condition.
  • The Chair Posture: It is one of the yoga postures that cause expansion of the chest and enhance the respiratory system, improving the state of the heart.
  • The Tree Posture: It is also one of the most uncomplicated and easy postures; it strengthens the shoulder muscles and helps open the heart, which improves the heart condition.
  • The Standing Forward Bend Posture: It is an ideal yoga posture to improve heart conditions, requiring flexibility.
  • The Big Toe Posture: It is also one of the ideal postures for a healthy heart. It is usually recommended to reduce blood pressure.

Which Are the Yoga Postures to Avoid?

Yoga is a better option to improve heart conditions, but unfortunately, not all yoga postures or asanas should be practiced by people with a heart problem. Before practicing yoga or any physical activity, consultation with a doctor is essential. There are a few yoga postures that need to be avoided as they may aggravate the condition; those are-

  • Chakrasana (Wheel Posture)- Chakrasana is formed by bending backward to a semi-circular posture. As it resembles a wheel, it is known as wheel posture. This posture works well for people with diabetes and breathing disorders. But it should not be practiced by a person with a heart condition as it causes pressure on the heart to pump more blood while performing the wheel pose.

  • Halasana (Plough Posture)- In this posture, the person should lie on the mat, lift the legs, move it over the head, and touch the ground. This asana stretches and relaxes the shoulder and spine. However, it should be avoided by heart patients as they are forced to pump blood against the gravitational force.

  • Karnapirasana (Ear Closing Posture)- It is a posture where the person’s ears are closed on their knee. It is suitable for asthma patients, controls blood pressure, and is suitable for all ear problems, but heart patients should not practice it.

  • Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Posture)- In this posture, the person should balance the body using their shoulders. It helps to strengthen the arms and shoulders, deals with constipation, and triggers thyroid glands. However, it is not suitable for heart patients as the heart should pump blood against the gravitational force.

  • Sirshasana (Headstand Pose)- Should practice the Headstand pose with the help of an instructor. In this posture, the person balances to stand on the head. Even though it helps in relaxation and relieves headaches and vertigo, it should be avoided by heart patients as in the inverted posture; the heart should pump blood with pressure against the gravitation.

  • Viparita Karani (Simple Inverted Posture)- While performing this posture, the person should lie on the mat with the legs and hips lifted with the help of the hands; this should be avoided by heart patients, as should forceful pumping to supply blood to lower body parts.

What Are the Benefits of Yoga for Heart Blockage?

Besides some of the yoga asanas that are not to be performed by heart patients, yoga plays a significant role in enhancing the heart condition by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and harmful glucose levels. There are a few asanas that prevent the occurrence of any heart disease; these are

  • Padangusthasana (The Big-Toe Posture)- The big toe posture is one of the best yoga postures to keep the heart healthy, as it strengthens the thighs and calves by relieving tension and anxiety. In addition, it is highly recommended for reducing blood pressure.

  • Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Posture)- Can practice modified shoulder stand posture as it helps to burn fat, reduces blood pressure, and reduces cholesterol in the body. It should be performed by lying with the back on the floor, with the arms on the sides, and slowly lifting the legs and thighs off the mat. Hold in this position for a few minutes.

  • Extended Triangle Posture- Extended triangle posture helps to expand the chest and open the heart; however, this requires more concentration on breathing for better results.

  • Forward Bend Posture- The forward bend is performed on an exhale by sitting on a mat, bending the head to the thighs, and holding the ankles using the hand. Hole in this posture for 30 seconds. It helps to deal with digestion and insulin resistance and helps with heart blockage.

  • Bridge Posture- The bridge pose should be performed by lying on a mat with both arms placed aside. The knee should be bent, slowly raise the hip off the mat, move the chin to the chest, and clasp the hands together. This helps reduce blood pressure and deals with heart blockage.


Heart is one of the organs that work continuously, day and night even when we are asleep. The heart pumping blood throughout the body is an involuntary action. There are no age constraints to having a heart condition, as people in their 20s even suffer from heart disease which has become very common. A sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, stress, and anxiety disturb the normal functioning of the heart and increase the risk of heart disease. Yoga helps in controlling and reducing the prevalence of heart diseases. Change in diet, following a healthy lifestyle with few stretches, and breathing techniques help improve the heart condition.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Does Yoga Affect Heart Health?

Yoga contributes to heart health through the following mechanisms:

- Stress reduction.

- Improved flexibility.

- Increased physical activity.

- Enhanced overall well-being.

- Practicing yoga regularly leads to reduced risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and stress.


What Are Some of the Yoga Poses That Benefit Heart Health?

Some yoga poses that are especially beneficial for heart health include

- Mountain Pose or Tadasana: Promotes good posture and alignment.

- Downward-Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana: Improves circulation and strengthens the heart.

- Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana: Strengthens the heart and opens the chest.

- Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana: Expands the chest and promotes heart health.

- Fish Pose or Matsyasana: Stimulates the heart and stretches the chest.


Can Blood Pressure Be Lowered With the Help of Yoga?

Yes, several studies document that yoga can help lower blood pressure. The relaxation and stress-reducing aspects of yoga, combined with improved cardiovascular function, contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.


How Often Should Yoga Be Practiced for Optimal Heart Health?

The frequency of yoga practice for optimal heart health varies among individuals. Aim for at least three to five sessions per week; however, even a few minutes of daily practice can be beneficial. Consistency is key to maintaining an optimal heart health.


Are There Any Certain Breathing Exercises in Yoga for a Healthy Heart?

Yes, certain yogic breathing exercises, known as pranayama, can promote a healthy heart. Practices such as deep abdominal breathing, alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana), and Kapalbhati can help regulate the autonomic nervous system and improve cardiovascular function.


Can Heart-Related Diseases Be Prevented by Yoga?

While yoga alone may not guarantee the prevention of heart-related diseases, it can contribute greatly by addressing risk factors, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and reducing stress. Integrating yoga into a holistic approach to health can be beneficial in preventing heart issues.


How Are Stress Reduction and Heart Health in Yoga Associated?

Chronic stress can contribute to heart disease. Yoga, through its focus on mindfulness, relaxation, and deep breathing, helps reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and promote overall mental well-being, thereby positively impacting heart health.


What Are the Age Restrictions for Practicing Yoga for Heart Health?

Generally, there are no age restrictions for practicing yoga for heart health. However, individuals with specific health conditions must consult their healthcare provider before starting any new yoga exercise regimen.


Can Yoga Be Considered an Effective Part of Cardiac Rehabilitation?

Yes, yoga can be a valuable component of cardiac rehabilitation programs. It provides a gentle and adaptable form of exercise, helping individuals gradually regain strength, flexibility, and overall cardiovascular fitness after a heart-related event or surgery.


How Does Yoga Contribute to the Improvement of Overall Cardiovascular Fitness?

Yoga promotes cardiovascular fitness by improving circulation, enhancing lung capacity through breath control, and engaging the cardiovascular system with various poses. Over time, these factors contribute to increased endurance and a healthier cardiovascular system.


What Is the Role of Meditation in the Heart-Healthy Benefits of Yoga?

Meditation in yoga helps reduce stress, promote mental clarity, and improve emotional well-being. This, in turn, positively influences heart health by reducing the impact of stress on the body and promoting a more balanced autonomic nervous system.


Can Cholesterol Levels Be Improved by Practicing Yoga?

Yoga, when combined with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to improved cholesterol levels. Regular practice, along with dietary changes, can help raise HDL (good) cholesterol and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.


What Are the Different Types of Yoga Suitable for Heart Health?

Gentle and restorative forms of yoga, such as Hatha or Yin yoga, may be more suitable for individuals with heart health concerns. These styles focus on slow movements, proper alignment, and relaxation, providing benefits without placing excessive strain on the cardiovascular system.


How Does Yoga Complement Traditional Heart Disease Treatments?

Yoga complements traditional heart disease treatments by addressing multiple aspects of health. It aids in stress reduction, promotes physical activity, improves flexibility, and encourages a healthier lifestyle, which can enhance the effectiveness of medical interventions.


Is Yoga Beneficial for Individuals With Existing Heart Conditions?

Yes, under the guidance of a healthcare professional, individuals with existing heart conditions can benefit from yoga. It is essential to choose appropriate poses and modifications based on individual health status and to practice under supervision.


Are There Ongoing Research on the Cardiovascular Benefits of Yoga?

Yes, there is ongoing research exploring the cardiovascular benefits of yoga. Scientists continue to investigate how yoga affects heart health, its mechanisms of action, and its potential as an adjunctive therapy for various cardiovascular conditions. Research findings contribute to our understanding of yoga's role in promoting heart health.

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Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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