Know How Our iCliniq Doctor Helped a Patient Who Was Worried That Mucus in Stools Might Indicate Cancer

Know How Our iCliniq Doctor Helped a Patient Who Was Worried That Mucus in Stools Might Indicate Cancer

#icliniq100hrs success story

A 48-year-old male patient contacted our iCliniq doctor with concerns about mucus in his stool, upper left abdominal discomfort, and frequent post-meal diarrhea. Lab tests revealed large internal hemorrhoids, and the patient was taking medication for them. Seeking further guidance, the patient consulted our doctor to determine if a colonoscopy was necessary.

Our doctor recommended stool tests to rule out any serious issues and explained that abdominal discomfort could be due to bloating or dyspepsia, manageable with antacids. The patient was reassured that, given his normal appetite and absence of alarming symptoms, there was likely no major concern. The doctor also mentioned that the urge to use the toilet after meals is normal but could be more pronounced in conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or gut infections. A stool examination was advised for an accurate diagnosis.

The patient's gastroenterologist recommended a colonoscopy despite considering the mucus in his stool normal. The rectal examination showed no abnormalities except for internal hemorrhoids. The patient expressed fear about the colonoscopy and concerns about the possibility of polyps or cancer. He also mentioned a change in stool consistency.

Our doctor reassured the patient that mucus in the stool is usually normal and that the suggested stool tests would provide more information. The doctor explained that a colonoscopy is a screening test for detecting polyps or cancer, which can be considered based on the patient's age and updated guidelines. The doctor clarified that the stool tests could be done separately from the colonoscopy and described their purposes. The doctor emphasized that a colonoscopy does not automatically indicate a serious issue.

The patient reverted saying that he experienced persistent symptoms, including severe yellow diarrhea with mucus and a strong odor. This was accompanied by a new sensation of mucus from the anus and yellow stool with brown clear mucus. The patient mentioned consuming a meal from a Japanese restaurant and expressed concerns about cancer due to these symptoms being unfamiliar.

Our doctor suggested that the symptoms could be due to acute diarrhea caused by the unusual meal. Our doctor advised the patient to follow a soft diet, prescribed probiotics, antacid syrup, and antibiotics for bloating and diarrhea, and reminded him to stay hydrated. The doctor reassured the patient that the prescribed medications would resolve the acute diarrhea and explained that anxiety can exacerbate gut movements. The doctor cautioned against assuming that every instance of diarrhea indicates cancer and warned about the anxiety-inducing effect of unfiltered internet information. It was clarified that pancreatic insufficiency causes large fatty stools, not simple mucus.

The patient expressed contentment and gratitude for the prompt and detailed information provided, as well as the recommended tests. The patient appreciated our doctor's patience and comprehensive explanation, which helped alleviate his symptoms and relieve anxiety regarding cancer.

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