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Ardha Pincha Mayurasana - Benefits and Risk

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Ardha pincha mayurasana (dolphin pose) is a gentle yet stimulating asana that may be utilized to strengthen and stretch different body regions.

Written by

Dr. Sameeha M S

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At November 17, 2023
Reviewed AtNovember 17, 2023


Ardha pincha mayurasana, or Dolphin pose, is a harmonious asana that may be utilized to strengthen and stretch many body regions. It is extremely useful for the body since it improves flexibility and strength. Dolphin pose provides more than half the advantages of a headstand or shirshasana and is an excellent alternative for people unable to practice a headstand. Experts name this asana Dolphin pose because it makes the human body look like a dolphin jumping out of the sea.

What Is the Meaning of Ardha Pincha Mayurasana?

In Sanskrit, 'Ardha' means half, 'Pincha' refers to feathers, and 'Mayura' signifies peacock. While performing Ardha pincha mayurasana, the body forms an inverted 'V'. In this asana, one must keep the forearms and toes on the floor while raising the rest of the body to form a V shape. Dolphin Pose is a well-known asana, and it is also referred to as Half Feathered Peacock Pose. This pose is identical to the Downward Facing Dog Pose, except that the forearms are on the ground rather than the palms.

What Are the Preparatory Poses for Ardha Pincha Mayurasana?

It will be better to warm up and prepare the body with a few positions before doing Ardha pincha mayurasana (Dolphin pose). The preparatory poses for Ardha pincha mayurasana are the following.

  • Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend) - Padahastasana is a yoga position for stretching. Padahastasana is the 11th yoga pose in Suryanamaskara's twelve yoga postures. Padahastasana strengthens the thighs and knees. It deeply expands the calves, hamstrings, thighs, and lower back.

  • Gomukhasana - Gomukhasana is called that because the person's shape resembles a cow's face during this pose. This yoga posture is spiritually significant and may be used for self-meditation and remembrance.

  • Adho Mukha Dandasana (Plank Pose) - Plank pose is an extremely important position in yoga and sports.

How to Practice Ardha Pincha Mayurasana?

Follow these instructions to perform Ardha pincha mayurasana (Dolphin pose):

  • Begin in a tabletop posture on the hands and knees, with the wrists directly beneath the shoulders and the knees under the hips.

  • Lower the arms' length to the ground, maintaining them parallel and shoulder-width apart. The position of the elbows should be just beneath the shoulders.

  • Interlace the fingers such that the palms are facing down. The tips of pinky fingers must touch the ground. In addition, one can keep both hands parallel and flat on the ground.

  • Straighten the legs as much as possible by tucking the toes under and lifting the knees off the ground. The body should form an inverted 'V' shape.

  • Engage the shoulder muscles and firmly press the ground with the forearms. Hold a relaxed neck while lengthening the spine.

  • Gently move the feet towards the hands to bring the hips precisely over the shoulders. An individual's flexibility will determine how far apart the hands and feet are.

  • To stay stable in the position, tighten the leg and core muscles. Maintain a raised heel and a balanced weight distribution within the hands and feet.

  • If necessary, lengthen the back by lifting the tailbone toward the ceiling to retain a modest knee bend.

  • Maintain the pose for a few breaths, focusing on breathing and staying steady and relaxed.

  • Return to a tabletop position after gently bringing the knees back to the floor to exit the pose.

What Are the Benefits of Ardha Pincha Mayurasana?

Dolphin pose strengthens and extends the shoulders, legs, and upper back. It is also an excellent core-strengthening pose. It is a mix of strength and flexibility that can benefit many aspects of the practice.

Some benefits are associated with practicing Ardha pincha mayurasana (Dolphin pose).

  • Strengthening the Upper Body - It engages the arms and shoulder muscles, such as the deltoids, triceps, and rhomboids, to enhance the upper body.

  • Improving Core Strength - The position needs core activation to maintain stability. The abdominal muscles are stimulated, which helps to build and tone the core.

  • Improving Spinal Flexibility - Ardha pincha mayurasana extends and stretches the spine, generating more flexibility and movement in the vertebral column.

  • Developing Balance and Stability - In Dolphin pose, staying on the forearms and keeping the inverted 'V' shape improves stability and balance.

  • Opening the Chest and Shoulders - This pose stimulates the chest to expand and the shoulders to roll back, opposing the consequences of poor posture.

  • Calming the Mind - Ardha pincha mayurasana is a calming position. It may help reduce tension and anxiety. The inverted position boosts blood flow to the brain and promotes relaxation and mental clarity.

What Are the Risks for Ardha Pincha Mayurasana?

Even though Ardha pincha mayurasana has many benefits, it is important to be aware of the possible risks and practice the position cautiously.

Ardha pincha mayurasana has the following risks:

  • The weight is supported by the shoulders and upper back in Ardha pincha mayurasana. It is vital to approach the pose cautiously if someone has shoulder or neck injuries, like rotator cuff problems or cervical spine issues.

  • During Ardha pincha mayurasana, the wrists might become sore from carrying weight on the forearms. Place a folded blanket or a yoga block beneath the forearms to support or modify the pose to prevent placing too much strain on the wrists.

  • It can be difficult to balance on the arms while inverted, especially if the person is not used to the pose. Injury risks arise when people fall or lose their balance. Always perform the position carefully close to a wall or with the help of a certified yoga instructor.


The Dolphin yoga pose (Ardha pincha mayurasana) is one of the asanas that should be included in one's regular fitness program. It prepares and benefits practitioners in unexpected ways. As with any yoga pose, Ardha pincha mayurasana should be approached carefully and with attention to the body. Before attempting the posture, speak with a skilled yoga instructor if someone has any special health problems or injuries.

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Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



yogaardha pincha mayurasana
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