HomeHealth articlesinsomniaWhat Are the Major Worries of a New Mom?

Difficulties Faced by a New Mom

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Difficulties Faced by a New Mom

4 min read


A woman when becomes a mother for the first time, she has a lot of confusions and worries. This article is aimed to make mom worry-free.

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Published At January 7, 2019
Reviewed AtApril 13, 2023


Being a new mom is always special in the life of a woman. The joy of seeing the new one, adapting to the new normal routine after having the baby, overwhelmed, tired, happy, stressed. crying and yet happy. Life revolving around the newborn, understanding the baby’s needs, and giving proper care and attention are the new important things for a new mom. The new motherhood also brings great challenges that need to be handled with care and support from loved ones.

What Are the Major Worries of a New Mom?

A lot of questions arise in the mind of a new mom, some of the major worries are

  • Why is the infant crying?

  • Why is he or she not sleeping?

  • Why do not understand what the baby wants to say?

  • What to eat and what not to eat?

These are all common questions that new moms need to know the answer to.

First of all, thank God for his gift, and nurture the child with love and positive thoughts.

What Are the Various Difficulties Faced by New Moms?

Adjusting to Motherhood: Transitioning to motherhood is not an easy task. The first few months of motherhood are spent learning to be a better mother, taking extra care of the baby, and trying to understand the baby's needs. Lifestyles have changed a lot, and priorities changed. It takes endless efforts to change lifestyles and to get adjusted to motherhood. All these challenges come along with parenthood. It takes time, courage, and wisdom to be a better mother.

Physical Recovery After Childbirth: Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to the body and it needs time to recover. Post-pregnancy hair fall, weight gain or loss, swollen breasts, insomnia, constipation, anxiety, dry skin, and pain in the perineal area are some of the physical difficulties faced by a new mom.

Adjusting to a Newborn Baby: A newborn has its sleep pattern, feeding demands, cleaning, and bathroom routine. A new mom struggles to manage the baby, personal needs, and career priorities.

Relationships and Sex: Most couples have less time for being intimate and having sex. It is due to altered routines, hormonal imbalances, sleepless nights, mood swings, and fatigue.

What Are the Solutions to Overcome the Difficulties?

  • Connect with a partner, can share the responsibilities, and support the new mom.

  • Taking time for self-care might be difficult with a newborn. With the help of family finding time for self-care rejuvenates and boosts mental health.

  • Be mindful of postpartum stress. Managing stress will be the greatest struggle. Express oneself, tell them how it feels, speak to close friends and family members, and seek help. This will help the new mom to deal with postpartum stress.

  • Struggles with breastfeeding are another challenge.

  • The following tips can help:

  • Rubbing the nipple and areola with the breast milk or using nipple butter helps to soothe the dry and cracked nipples.

  • Perfecting the latch is important in proper breastfeeding. Use pillows, sit comfortably, and hold the baby to have skin-to-skin contact. Do not force the baby, and the process occurs naturally.

  • Using chilled hydrogel pads on the breast after feeding helps to heal and soothe the breast after feeding.

  • Alternate breastfeeding positions can prevent one area of the nipple from becoming sore.

  • Natural nipple butter can be used to soothe the area.

  • Deal with unwanted pieces of advice - Do not get stressed over unwanted advice. Be open-minded, and consult doctors when in doubt. Politely stops unwanted advice from strangers.

  • Dealing with postpartum depression- seek help from parents and partners. Go for counseling or talk therapy.

  • Take help from family and friends. Talk to them and find a better solution

  • This period can be stressful but can be managed

  • Take some time off and it can improve mental health.

What Are the Important Tips for Managing a Difficult Situation?

  • The baby is new to this world, so he or she will take some time to adjust.

  • Most babies have a common problem, which is infant colic. To avoid this, the mom has to strictly follow a healthy diet. Mom must avoid junk food because it does not have any nutritional value, and it will only satisfy the taste buds.

  • Change in weather may trouble the baby with cough, cold, diarrhea, fever, etc. Do not panic, take proper medicines and calm down. Complaints will subside as soon as the baby adapts to the new weather.

  • Breastfeeding is most important for the baby because breast milk has antibiotic effects and immunity booster power, which keeps the baby healthy. Up to 6 months, exclusively breastfed baby. It also helps to reduce the mom's weight and increases the bond between the mom and her kid.

  • Eat food that has all nutrients which are required for mother and baby.

  • Drink boiled water after delivery to prevent infections. Fenugreek, coconut, and satavarex are best to improve the milk flow. Wipe nipples before feeding.

  • Think positively while feeding the baby because it affects the baby. Stop all bad or negative thoughts while feeding the baby.

  • Try to maintain the same time every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • If confused about massage oil, then choose plain coconut oil.

  • Try to avoid night baths and also avoid washing the hair often.

How to Deal With Weaning Period?

The weaning period is when the mother decreases breastfeeding and increases other food. In the weaning period, do not stop all feeding at a time. Skip breastfeeding gradually. Do not think about when he will stop and do not make limitations to stop breastfeeding. Up to one and a half years, feed the baby. After this age, breastfeeding is not helpful for the baby to fill up the tummy. They need food for their hunger.

For example, if feeding the baby four times a day, then reduce it to three times for a few days, and then reduce it again to two times a day, then once a day, and then stop.

The following are health benefits.

  • No milk congestion.

  • No trouble for the kid to stop feeding.

  • The kid will easily forget breastfeeding.

  • The kid will not get irritated.

  • No breast heaviness.

  • Be positive in the weaning period.


Spend as much time with the baby. Choose motherhood over career. It will create the best memories in a kid's mind. The career will not be ruined with the kid and being at home for a few years. Only in the initial years, the kid needs their mother. Give priority to kids compared to other household work. A few compromises of mom will help to keep the baby and mommy healthy. So enjoy healthy motherhood with some lifestyle changes.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the most difficult part of being a new mother?

The biggest challenge after becoming a new mom is the potential lack of time for her own sleep or to do any other task. The new moms are not able to give time to themselves and might suffer from postpartum depression as well.


What challenges are faced by a new mom?

The main challenges faced by a new mom include:
  - Breastfeeding the child can be tiring as well as challenging for her.
- Everyone around her expects her to be a super mom.
- They are sleep-deprived.
- They might suffer from postpartum depression.
- The romance with her husband suddenly vanishes.


Why is it so hard for new parents to deal with the newborn stage?

The newborn stage is the hardest for new parents because of the fact that there is a sudden change in the lifestyle of the parents, the overwhelming routine, the deprivation of sleep, and a shift in priorities.


What is the hardest part of being a parent?

The hardest part of parenting is when the child misbehaves with their parents and becomes disrespectful. They refuse to obey their parents, and it is then that the parents face the biggest challenge of making their children understand.


What do new parents really need?

New parents need:
- More sleep.
- Postpartum self-care kit.
- Kitchen help for meal preparation.
- Househelp for daily chores.
- Easy delivery of groceries.


Do babies get easier around 3 months?

Babies do get easy around 3 to 4 months once they begin to soothe themselves. The baby will begin to sleep for a longer stretch of time both during the day and night, and they will have a sleep schedule.


How can I make my life easy with a newborn?

- Take a nap when the baby sleeps. - Order a baby sling. - Do not overstress yourself because no one is perfect. - Try to clear your doubts at pediatrician appointments. - Keep baby nappy or diaper and clothes handy at all times. - Relax and make lists. - Do bulk cooking.


What are the self-care tips for mothers?

- Do some physical workouts to feel refreshed.
- Practice journal writing.
- Pamper yourself in a salon or at home in a hot water bath.
- Spend quality time with your friends.
- Do not forget to eat healthily besides worrying about your family’s nutrition.
- Watch some good shows on television to entertain yourself.
- Do yoga and meditation daily.


Do new moms suffer from postpartum depression?

Many new moms suffer from depression in the initial few weeks after childbirth because of hormonal changes. Most new mothers face mood swings like feeling anxious, gloomy, frustrated, fatigued, and crying frequently. However, gradually these feelings improve over a period of time.


Does giving birth to a baby change the woman?

Due to a constant change in female hormone levels throughout pregnancy and postpartum, women might experience certain mood swings. They may begin to feel and behave differently. The sudden reduction in estrogen, progesterone and other pregnancy hormone levels can lead to these baby blues. Their body also changes physically.
Dr. Sheetal Nanji Dama
Dr. Sheetal Nanji Dama



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